April 2, 2015 lisa

Jack of all trades master of non

Last year I attended the DRUM Live, fabulous event. There was a young chap called Charlie from the Gentlemen’s Journal speaking about being a “Jack of all trades master of one” and how it is not true for this day and age. You see gone are the days you need 10 individuals to run a magazine. In this day and age you can happily have one person who does the lot, as we have seen with many bloggers.

They run the show and do it very, very well. Attend the top fashion shows, tweet, post on facebook, instagram, blog, present… and be the photographer whilst having a full time job… like wtf?

Amazing… well yes in deedy they truly are remarkable individuals as well as being utterly talented… these guys are multi-skilled and are a development of modern society as it is today.

Its the digital revolution… as I always say if you don’t know how to use it then Google it!